
Cracking Retirement Featured on

I’m really pleased to be profiled on

While I’m a bit older (OK – a lot older…) than the average FIREHub blogger, I already have 8 years experience  post retirement, so it is quite good for people to have  a real example.

You can read what it is all about here.

My personal write-up is here.  Please take a few minutes to read it. I have been incredibly lucky, good job, good health, happy marriage, but I came so close to financial disaster in 2008/9. Some friends of ours retired in April 2008, both worked for different financial institutions, but sadly both companies went to the wall. All of a sudden, their plans for a great retirement weren’t so secure. Fortunately, they had alternate investments, which protected them. So all I can say, is spread your risk. Dont be like me and have all your eggs in 1 basket!

cracking retirement - eggs in basket

I have really enjoyed reading the articles posted to date. Every single person is doing something slightly different.

FIRE – Financial Independence (FI) is a movement in its own right, what is becoming increasingly apparent is often that the Retire Early (RE) part, is becoming optional. Many accept that they are financially independent, but don’t want to retire from their current jobs, or indeed working, often they just want to do something different, not part of the corporate 9-5 ladder.

There is some criticism of those who say they are retired, but still do some work, be it consultancy, professional blogging, writing etc. It’s not such a catchy phrase, but maybe the correct  one is Financially Independent, Work Optional. For me, I retired from a busy day job, but soon found other things that I wanted to do. (unpaid…) but my husband at 71, still works part-time by choice…

I hope you enjoy reading some of the series, and maybe find some different blogs to follow.

Have fun. If you want to pin it, just click the image below

Cracking Retirement Featured on





  1. What an interesting site and so encouraging to read about others who have retired early through making sound financial decisions throughout their working life. I really enjoyed reading your story and how you achieved the life you have now – and how lovely to live overseas in a different country for a couple of months every year – quite an exciting and interesting way to maximize this stage of life.
    Thanks for linking up with us at MLSTL and I’ve shared on my SM 🙂

    1. Thanks Leanne

      The young couple who run FIREHub are great, and even run a European FI event each May/June.

      I’m in Athens just now and loving it. I won’t be going home speaking Greek, but at least I am starting too decipher the different letters. We have had a couple of transport strikes while we have been here, and yesterday I was able to decipher what was happening with the trolley buses! Finding your way round a strange city becomes surprisinglyy easy after a week or two. It certainly keeps the mind and body active.

      Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Hi Erith!

    Great to see you featured on FIREHub, and I hadn’t heard of it before! I see they have a meetup in Edinburgh in a few days time I will try to get along as it’s just down the road!

    Hope you are enjoying Athens!


    1. Hi MM
      Glad you enjoyed the site. I hope you maage to make the Edinburgh meetup

      I’m certainly enjoying Athens. Sadly only a few weeks left!


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