Things to be grateful for

Malabar Beach St Lucia

I read this post this morning on Cait Flanders website, where she documented 50 things she was grateful for and I thought it was such a good idea, I would post my own shorter, simpler list.  I found her on Rockstar Finance Forums, which  I have found to be a really interesting set of forums.… Continue reading Things to be grateful for

You’re Retired – Don’t you get bored? What do you do all day?

This is a question I am often asked, particularly by my friends in their 50’s who are approaching retirement. I think they are worried about what they will do, particularly if they are on their own. In fact I know several who retired, and then went back to work – one comment was ‘how many games… Continue reading You’re Retired – Don’t you get bored? What do you do all day?

What’s Your Emergency Plan?

Have you got an Emergency Plan?I was doing some catching up on my reading this morning. I had commented a couple of days ago on a blog in Our Next Life on Financial Independence, which led me to go and look at Jim’s blog  Wallet Hacks. He has a great style of writing, very clear and easily… Continue reading What’s Your Emergency Plan?

New Zealand Part II – South Island to North Island

The picture above was taken while we were sitting in a cafe, in the sunshine, having a beer, watching the sea plane take off…. OK, this started off as a bit of a monologue, but I have now hopefully made it a bit sharper! Where in NZ have we been? (in post I covered Christchurch, Dunedin,… Continue reading New Zealand Part II – South Island to North Island