A Guided Workbook for Creating a Happy and Purposeful Future
Who is it for?
People who are preparing for Retirement, and indeed those who have already retired, but who feel they need to add some purpose into their retirement.
This is one of the most comprehensive books covering all aspects of retirement that I have read. Unlike many, it does not just focus on the financial side. It encourages you to look at all the myriad aspects of retirement, social, financial, practical and all shades in between.
It is not a book to cover in one sitting, and indeed you will benefit from reading it several times
The book is far too detailed to let me cover everything in a review, but if you buy this book (and you really have to get the paper version, because you will need to use your pen to work through the many exercises.) If you do, then I think you will really benefit from it. However, even if you just do a quick read, you will certainly pick up a few ideas, but I don’t think you will benefit from the amazing detail with in the book, if you just do a quick look.
After nearly 9 years of retirement, and indeed spending nearly 4 years blogging on the subject of retirement, I feel I know what I am talking about. Even then, there were a few things in this book that made me wish I had considered some of them.
The book takes you through all aspects of retirement in a very logical format. Had I had a guide like this in 2010, maybe I would have done a few things differently!
Some quotes I loved
There is no one right time or right way to retire, but one thing is certain: Retirement is a major life change,
We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. —E. M. FORSTER
Detail Comments
- The chapter concept worked well for me, some questions I happily passed by, but others made me pause and follow up on.
- I liked the revision points at the end of each chapter – even if you hadn’t done all the exercises, these made you take stock
- I liked the idea that the workbook was still applicable even if you have been retired for a while but want to think more deliberately about what you want to do over the next few years, the workbook can help you design a “new” retirement.
- I really liked the idea of a Personal Advisory Team – We all have people who we use as sounding boards, this formalises the concept.
- I loved the concept in chapter 4 of a Golden Gap Year. I personally used this, but I just called it a career break. For me it enabled me to understand that I would be happy and financially secure in retirement.
- Chapter 4 also covers succession planning – you can leave work with a clear conscience, if you know you have left everything in good hands.
- Some very good questions are posed to make you think more
deeply about your life, and indeed the one to come
- Which are you happiest with?
- Which do you find meaningful?
- Which do you want to do more of?
- Which do you want to do less of?
- What areas would you like to add?
- The chapters invite you to dig deeper and look at every aspect, not just the ones you feel comfortable with! Relationships, finance, health, family, considerations about how you are going to spend your days. Lots of things to think about.
- The final chapter helps you in building your own very personal retirement plan
- There is a very comprehensive list of other resources to follow up on.
And finally
If you are prepared to put in some effort to looking at all aspects of your retirement, then this book is for you.
However, if you just want a light 30 minute read, it probably isn’t your book. Put the effort in, and you will get benefit from it! There are so many, deep, thought provoking questions, that if you follow up on them, your retirement will really benefit.
I hope you have enjoyed this quick review. This really is a book to encourage you to think about every aspect and follow through on it. You will be sure to get the benefit.
For more information on Ida, just click this link.
You’ll find her book on Amazon here
DISCLAIMER – I received a free electronic version of this book for review purposes. I am not paid in any way. The views expressed in this review are mine, and mine alone. I enjoy reviewing retirement books, but I am not paid to do it. The Amazon link is for information only, I do not receive any payment for it.
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I’m just on the cusp of starting my retirement, this book looks like it covers a lot of the questions that I’ve just started asking myself.
Thanks for the review.
Hi Baldrick
Thanks for the feedback. It is certainly a very comprehensive book. I enjoyed reading it, it was easy to work through. I have just checked on Amazon, and you can get an idea of the style by using the Look Inside facility.